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Public spaces

Spaces where we learn and meet

What are the challenges and requirements in public spaces?

In Germany, since 2016, all public buildings must be designed with acoustic inclusivity (1). All individuals have the right to equal access to all relevant areas of society, regardless of their abilities, impairments, or their ethnic, cultural, or social background.

This applies not only to people with hearing impairments (20% across Europe) (2) but also to those on the spectrum of neurodiversity (15-20%) (3) and people who do not speak the national language exclusively (>18% in Germany) (4). There is data indicating that, for example, classrooms in Germany rarely meet the target values for inclusive reverberation time requirements (5).

  1. Normenausschuss Akustik, Lärmminderung und Schwingungstechnik (NALS) im DIN und VDI DIN-Normenausschuss Bauwesen (NABau). DIN 18041. Hörsamkeit in Räumen – Anforderungen, Empfehlungen und Hinweise für die Planung. s.l.: Beuth, 2016.

  2. Meier, Dipl.-Ing. Sigrid. Hören ohne Barriere - HoB e.V. Wir bauen Barrieren ab. [Online] 2017. [Zitat vom: 18. September 2023.]

  3. Klein, Dr. Achim. Sechs gestalterische Überlegungen zur Berücksichtigung der Neurodiversität - und vieles mehr! [Online] [Zitat vom: 18. September 2023.] neurodiversity--and-much-more/.

  4. Statistisches Bundesamt. 80 % der Bevölkerung sprechen zu Hause ausschließlich Deutsch. [Online] 21. Februar 2023. [Zitat vom: 18. September 2023.] Woche/2023/PD23_08_p002.html.

  5. Ruhe, Carsten. Nachhallzeiten in Klassenräumen, eine bundesweite Erhebung. Prisdorf: hörgerecht planen und bauen, 2023.

How do we address these challenges at audics?

Due to the number of rooms, their simple shape, and the cost and effort savings, the prediction of reverberation time is usually done in accordance with DIN 18041 using the statistical method according to Sabine or with ray-tracing programs.

The use of wave-based simulation now allows us to perform calculations 100 times faster and with physical accuracy.

Authentic auralizations enable you to easily verify the results with all project stakeholders.

Here, you can see two simple variants of a classroom for illustration:

Acoustically untreated

Classroom not inclusive according to DIN18041

The ceiling is fully treated with absorption.

  • Reverberation time according to Sabine: 0.40 s

  • Measured reverberation time in the virtual twin: 0.77 s


The room does not meet the inclusivity requirements according to DIN18041 (target value: 0.49 s). Expensive remedial work will be necessary.


High-absorption ceiling


The acoustically effective area is smaller and integrated into the design.

  • Reverberation time according to Sabine: 0.45 s

  • Reverberation time measured in the virtual twin: 0.41 s

The room meets inclusivity standards according to DIN18041 (target value: 0.49 s). Students experience an acoustically optimal learning environment within a resource-efficient and aesthetically pleasing overall concept.

What is the added value for you?

With audics, you can be confident not only that you are meeting the legal and inclusive requirements for room acoustics but also that you can assess the impact of your design decisions on people and their activities within the space. You can review, discuss, and ensure an optimal user experience for your spaces by working through our recommendations with the project team.


+49 (0)157 349-101-91

Trinitatisstr. 6

04318 Leipzig




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+49 (0)157 34910191

Trinitatisstr. 6

04318 Leipzig




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